Mixed Reality

Optimize operations to empower your workforce

Imagine a workplace where collaborative problem solving takes place in real-time, that too, with employees at remote locations. Mixed reality applications from Dynamics 365 empowers employees to discover new ways to work together and optimize operations and boost their efficiency in real-time.

A recent Microsoft-sponsored survey by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services shows that 87% of respondents are currently exploring, piloting, or deploying mixed reality.

Mixed reality suite of applications comprises of:

Dynamics 365 Remote Assist
Dynamics 365 Guides
Dynamics 365 Product Visualize
We, at Cambay Consulting, empower your first-line workers with a suite of applications that help them experience a new dimension of creativity and teamwork to troubleshoot problems faster while being in remote work situations.

Increase efficiencies, profits and team collaboration with Dynamics 365 Mixed Reality applications

Discover how Dynamics 365 Mixed Reality applications empower your workforce with a new vision for work by optimizing operations through instant remote collaboration.

Dynamics 365 Mixed Reality Applications

Dynamics 365 Remote Assist

This application empowers technicians in instant collaboration with other technicians at remote locations across HoloLens, Android, or iOS devices. Employees can share their views with experts while staying hands-free and doing their jobs. It reduces cost with videos, screenshots, and annotations that enable seamless workflows.

Dynamics 365 Guides

This application helps your employees learn new skills and optimize their effectiveness on HoloLens devices. It provides employees with a methodical approach and instructional guide to using the tools to learn and use in real work scenarios. It optimizes training effectiveness with the use of photos, videos, and 3D models, and transforms the learning into a repeatable model. You can also leverage interactive business intelligence dashboards to help you boost workflow efficiency. No coding skills are needed.

Dynamics 365 Product Visualize

This application helps you showcase and customize products to empower your sellers to address their customer’s requirements quicker. Currently, in preview for iOS, your sales reps can personalize your customer’s environment with the 3D digital replica of your products. Treat your customers with a physical experience as if they are physically present to touch and feel the product.

Use Dynamics 365 Mixed Reality to empower your workforce with a new dimension of real-time work collaboration